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  • Country Sheep Vitamin & Mineral Drench With Copper
Product Code: 30180002

Country Sheep Vitamin & Mineral Drench With Copper


From: £ 79 .00

Product Description

A 2.5 litre concentrated oral Country sheep vitamin and mineral drench containing multivitamins and chelated trace elements and copper. Perfect for young lambs and adult ewes. Also availble in other sizes including 1 litre and 5 litres.

Directions for use:

Shake well before use. This supplement should only be fed to sheep requiring additional copper. Do not feed with any other supplements containing copper except under veterinary advice. Do not exceed recommended dose. Store in a cool dry place away from sunlight. Protect from freezing. Keep out of reach of children. For animal use only. This is not a veterinary medicine.

Administer 1ml / 5kg bodyweight as a drench or mix with a small quantity of feed to ensure accurate intake. Maximum dose 10ml.