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  • Heatwave Milk Warmer
Product Code: 35400006

Heatwave Milk Warmer

From: £ 660 .00
Inc. VAT

Stocked in the following stores

Ballycastle, Ballymena Livestock Mart, Claudy or Limavady

Product Description

The Heatwave feeds 50 lambs or goat kids or 30 calves. It is designed to be low cost, simple and effective. There are no moving parts, low maintenance and low running costs.

No more bottle feeding! Milk is available in small meals, all day and night. Saves hours of labour.

Cold milk is mixed mechanically or by hand once/day and stored hygienically in a cold reservoir. The Heatwave TM warms milk on demand. Lambs grow quickly and most can be weaned at 35 days. Growth rates rival the lambs reared on the ewe!

A bull calf with good conformation and a good bloom will command top prices. Ad lib feeding allows the calf to put on bone and muscle and express his full genetic potential. These bulls can go to market earlier, improving cash flow.

Dairy heifers are the future herd. The benefits of getting heifers off to a good start include reaching bulling weight earlier and calving between 23-24 months. This requires a Holstein calf to grow at 0.8kg/day and needs to consume a minimum of 900g of milk powder/day. Research has shown that calves with the biggest pre weaning weight gain go on to become the highest yielding animals in the herd.

Feeding higher levels of milk during the first 6 weeks of life, greatly enhances the lifetime performance of all young stock.

Heatwave Milk Warmer™ storage box
Heatwave Milk Warmer™ heat exchanger 25L tank
4 Supersuckler bayonet fittings inc. 4 calf teats (+ kit for fitting) • 2 teat bars + fixings
Hand pump for cleaning
Inlet fittings (tubes, weights filters, connectors)
4 lamb teats