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  • Feedomatic Auto Feeder
Product Code: 4210359

Feedomatic Auto Feeder


From: £ 72 .30
Inc. VAT

Stocked in the following stores

Armagh or Ballymena Seven Towers

Product Description

This Feedomatic Auto Feeder is a heavy duty poultry feeder with a galvanised finish and a strong plastic lid and treadle. This feeder is capable of holding up to 12kg of poultry food and offers perfect protection from vermin and other pests. The unique design of this feeder helps keep the poultry feed safe and sealed until the weight of a hen is applied to the treadle.

Once a bird stands on the feeder, it opens up and allows the bird to feed. When the bird steps off of the feeder the lid closes over again and keeps the poultry feed protected from pests such as mice and rats. This Feedomatic auto feeder also comes with a tight fitting plastic lid.

The Feedomatic 12kg Auto Feeder has proven time and again to be a popular product amongst poultry farmers all across Ireland and the UK so you know you are only receiving the best product from us.