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  • Prima Tech Lamb Drench Applicator
Product Code: 35100035

Prima Tech Lamb Drench Applicator


From: £ 57 .30
Inc. VAT

Product Description

This Prima Tech 5ml / 6ml drench applicator is a high quality dosing gun that is used for drenching lambs in all kinds of environments. This drench applicator gun has a shower style head nozzle which helps avoid waste from splashing. The nozzle is angled for easy use and administration of medication and features an adjustable dose vaccinator to allow changes from large to small doses without any wastage.

Squeezing the handle gently assists in getting the correct dosage amount as indicated on the dosage setting window by turning the dosage adjuster.

Prima Tech have long been a premium supplier of dosing and drenching applicator equipment across Ireand and the UK and are a frequent choice by farmers and other animal rearers so you know you are only receiving the highest quality product from us.