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  • Volac Instant Lamlac Ewe Milk Replacer
Product Code: 0420005

Volac Instant Lamlac Ewe Milk Replacer


From: £ 14 .60
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Product Description

This Volac Instant Lamlac Ewe Milk Replacer is the UK's number 1 ewe milk replacer and comes in a 5kg bag. Available as instant or freeflow forms for easy mixing when cold.

Product features:

- Concentrated milk protein which is highly digestible for faster growth.

- Ultrafiltrated milk protein for natural health protection with less risk of nutritional upsets.

- Suits all rearing systems; can be used in bucket or machine fed systems.

- Instantised for easy mixing even when cold.

- Provides all the nutrients required by the lamb.

- Stays fresh for 24 hours which is excellent in ad-lib situations.

- Outstanding growth rates proven in performance trials.

- Also suitable for goat kids.

Volac are a popular brand of agricultural products and supplementation with farmers and other animal care professionals throughout Ireland, the UK and worldwide.