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  • Deosan Zal Perax II
Product Code: 3610140

Deosan Zal Perax II


From: £ 41 .58
Inc. VAT

Product Description

Zal Perax II is a highly effective oxidising disinfectant based on peracetic acid for use in the agriculture and intensive livestock industries.

Product features:

Zal Perax II is based on a stabilised solution of peracetic acid (5%) plus added surface active/wetting agent to assist application and promote efficient contact of the disinfectant solution with surfaces.

Zal Perax II has proven efficacy against a wide range of micro-organisms. It has been extensively tested in the laboratory and in-use, and shown to have broadspectrum activity against bacteria and viruses of importance in the effective maintenance of animal health and hygiene. After use, its breakdown products consisting of acetic acid and water are relatively harmless in the environment.

Zal Perax II is designed as a terminal disinfectant for use after surfaces have been thoroughly cleaned and rinsed to remove all gross soil. It is recommended for use in animal housing, dismantled equipment, boot dips and the treatment of water distribution systems. It can also be used to disinfect drinking water (birds in crop).

Zal Perax II is suitable for soak, spray and fogging application.


- Specially formulated for use in agriculture and intensive livestock

- Wetting agent produces foam to assist visibility during application and promotes surface contact.

- Bactericidal and virucidal action.

- Low environmental impact.

- Suitable for use in soft or hard water.

Instructions for use:

- Animal Housing: Spray with a 0.5-1% v/v solution (25 litres per 100 M2).

- Dismantled Equipment: Spray or dip using 0.5-1% v/v solution.

- Boot Dips: Use a 0.5-1%v/v solution, change daily.

- Water distribution systems: For cleaning and disinfecting, use a 1% v/v solution (drainable systems) or 0.2% solution (non-drainable systems).

- Drinking water (birds in crop): Use a 0.05% v/v solution (equivalent to 25ppm PAA).

Fogging: Apply a 4.0-5.0% v/v solution (1.25 litres per 1000M3 of air).