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Product Code: 45100041

Country UF Cholecalciferol Soft Block Rat & Mouse Bait 3Kg

From: £ 81 .90
Inc. VAT

Product Description

Introducing the brand new soft block bait from United Farmers. Country Soft Block Bait combines a unique, quickly accepted and highly palatable formulation with a mode of action that enables faster control of rodent infestations. The active substance in Country Soft Block Bait, new to the UK market, is neither persistent in the environment, nor bio-accumulative. Studies on birds (mallard and quail) have shown that compared to rats and mice, they are approximately 50-times less sensitive to cholecalciferol. Because of the different mode of action to anticoagulant rodenticides,there is no resistance in rats and mice to cholecalciferol and thelikelihood of adverse exposure to non-target animals via secondarypoisoning is considered to be limited.Country Soft Block Bait offers a superior alternative which balancesperformance and environmental impact. It is approved for the controlof brown rats, house mice and field mice. It must be well protected fromnon-target species and the use of tamper resistant bait stations isrecommended.

High performance ready to use rodent bait for professional use
Contains 0.075% w/w cholecalciferol in the form of a 20g soft block with a central hole to secure in place
Highly palatable for rats and mice in rural and urban environments
Contains a human taste deterrent and a warning dye
Flavour permeable film allows rodents to easily detect as an appealing food source
Stable at high and low temperatures, resistant to mould growth and a five year shelf life