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Product Code: 04200009

Shine Ewe-Reka Lamb Milk Replacer Blue Bag


Product Description

Shine Ewe-reka is made with ewe milk – the closest milk replacer to mothers milk!

To help improve lamb health and performance Shine Ewe-reka is made with whey products from ewe’s milk. Ewe milk has long been used to make cheese’s such as Roquefort, Manchego and Bleu D’ Auvergne and we have taken the by-products of this cheese production to make a milk replacer as close to mother milk as it can be. Unlike cow’s milk this milk will contain antibodies to specific sheep diseases that will help to keep orphan lambs healthy.

Key Benefits

- Sourced from ewes’ milk
- Naturally derived antibodies – healthier stronger lambs
- Contains high levels of coconut to minimise clostridia growth in the intestine
- Made with a five fat blend of oils, yeast and plant extracts to aid digestion and prevent bloat
- Ewe milk aroma & flavour for stronger drinking reflex
- Instant or freeflow available – suitable for all feeding methods


Protein = 23%
Fat = 25%
Fibre = 0.05
Ash = 8%

Feeding rate = 20% Solids (200g powder made up to 1L milk) or 250g + 1L water
*Can be mixed warm or cold
*Do not mix using boiling water