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Product Code: 30130011

Endofluke 10%


From: £ 132 .12
Inc. VAT

Available for delivery to UK addresses only.

Product Description

Endofluke is a white to off-white suspension for the treatment of adult, immature and early immature stages of liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) susceptible to triclabendazole.

It is targeted at cattle and sheep, for oral administration only. Each ml contains 100mg of triclabendazole as the active, 2mg of methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E218) and 0.2 mg of propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216).

Endofluke 100 mg/ml is given as an oral drench and is suitable for most types of automatic drenching guns. The recommended dose rate is 12mg triclabendazole per kg bodyweight in cattle and 10mg triclabenda­zole per kg bodyweight in sheep.

Cattle: 6 ml per 50kg bodyweight

Sheep: 1 ml per 10kg bodyweight

For single oral administration only using properly calibrated dosing equipment

Withdrawal Period:
Cattle and sheep meat and offal: 56 days

*Not permitted for use in animals producing milk for human consumption, including pregnant animals intended to produce milk for human consumption.