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Product Code: 3440023

Heatherlea Sunflower Hearts 1kg

From: £ 6 .14

Stocked in the following stores

Armagh, Ballycastle, Banbridge, Claudy, Coagh, Dungannon, Lisbane, Omagh or Portadown

Product Description

1kg bag of high energy sunflower hearts for use in a wide variety of bird feeders. Sunflower hearts, the edible kernal of the sunflower seed, offer the highest calorific value of any individual seed for wild birds.

They are both irresistable and 100% edible, leaving very little mess in your garden. This is an excellent food not only due to its very high energy content but also its appeal to a wide variety of birds.

Highly sought after by most species, Sunflower HEarts will fill your garden all year round with birds, but whether you choose to feed from a seed feeder, table or the ground you will find that you need to top up with greater frquency than most other bird foods.

These sunflower hearts are a popular choice amongst bird enthusiasts across Ireland, the UK and worldwide.