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Product Code: 3110103

Teisen Udder Cream


From: £ 45 .05
Inc. VAT
This product is currently out of stock

Product Description

Tiesen Udder Cream comes in a 2.5 litre bottle and serves as a general purpose cream for use as a moisturiser and antiseptic on dry and cracked skin, rubs in easily and is non-greasy.

Instructions for use:

Apply Tiesen Udder Cream after milking and rub well in. Teats must be cleaned prior to milking. Also use generally in adverse weather conditions.

Comes in a convenient and hygienic dispenser. This bottle should be suspended upside down and fitted with a re-usable screw-on dispenser. When mounted and ready for use an air hole should be pierced in the top of the bottle.

Teisen are the brand of choice by dairy farmers and other agricultural professionals throughout Ireland, the UK and worldwide when it comes to udder health and hygeine.