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Product Code: SP2020-12-236

Bovikalc Dry Cow Bolus 6 x 4 Pack

From: £ 144 .90
This product is currently discontinued

Product Description

Bovikalc Dry is an oral mineral supplement to be given to dairy cows at drying off.

Following drying off, cows may still be producing considerable amounts of milk. This accumulation of milk in the mammary gland can lead to udder engorgement.

The single administration of 2 boluses of Bovikalc dry at drying off has shown to help support the natural decrease in milk production, which reduces udder pressure and increases lying time.

The boluses contain anionic salts including ammonium chloride, calcium chloride and calcium sulphate. Following oral administration, the bolus dissolves into the rumen within 30 minutes.


Give 2 boluses at last milking or 8-12 hours before last milking

Do not administer more than 4 boluses per 24 hours.