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Product Code: 12200046

Crystalyx Calf 100


From: £ 13 .12

Product Description

The most important factor in promoting rumen development and adaptation in preparation for weaning, is the consumption of dry feed. Crystalyx Calf 100 is a feed lick specially designed to stimulate an early appetite for dry feed in young calves.

By providing selected key nutrients in the form of a palatable lick, Crystalyx Calf 100 helps initiate and then optimise development of the rumen epithelium. Dry feed intake is enhanced, resulting in stronger, more vigorous calves, better able to withstand the stress of weaning and regrouping.

The presence of a yeast cell wall product provides selected sugars (MOS and ß-glucans) which have been shown to reduce pathogen challenge in the gut by preventing them sticking to the lining of the gut, whilst also stimulating the immune system to provide a stronger, more robust defence against further challenges.

- To be fed to calves for the first 100 days of life

- Palatable, even for young calves on milk

- Contains essential fatty acids to maximise growth
and feed efficiency

- Promotes an early appetite and starter feed intake

- Helps optimise rumen development

- Reduces the risk of growth checks at weaning

- Studies show calves fed Calf 100 are up to 6kg heavier at 100 days than control calves reared on the same feeding and management system

- Many studies have shown/demonstrated a range of long-term positive effects from improved LWG in early life, including reduced age at conception and calving and improved first lactation milk production of 850-1100 kg (Soberon et al, 2012)